Manufacturing: Behind the Scenes

Planning, Procurement & Approval

Prior to an engineering project being released into manufacturing, three essential processes take place: drawing approval, procurement, and production planning. These processes work together to ensure that the engineering designs are accurate, feasible, and efficiently translated into physical products or structures in a well-organised manner.


Drawing Approval Process

The drawing approval process involves a comprehensive review and validation of the engineering drawings and specifications before they are authorised for manufacturing. This process includes the following key steps:

Design Completion:

Engineers and designers create detailed manufacturing drawings and technical documentation that specify the dimensions, materials, assembly instructions, and other crucial details of the project.

Internal Review:

These drawings undergo an internal review within the engineering team. Experts from different disciplines carefully assess the designs for accuracy, compliance with standards, and feasibility.

Cross-Functional Review:

The drawings are then shared with other departments, such as manufacturing, quality control, and safety. Each department examines the drawings from its perspective, ensuring that they can be effectively produced across all departments and comply with safety and quality standards.

Compliance Verification:

The designs must adhere to strict industry standards, regulatory requirements, and any specific project constraints. The manufacturing approval process includes verifying that the drawings meet these criteria.

External Stakeholder Input:

External stakeholders, such as clients or consultants, may also be involved in the review process, providing valuable feedback and ensuring alignment with project goals.

Revision & Approval:

Based on the feedback received, necessary revisions are made to the drawings. This iterative process continues until the drawings receive final approval from all relevant parties.


Procurement Process:

The procurement process involves acquiring the necessary materials, equipment, and services required for manufacturing the project. It includes the following key steps:

Material & Equipment Identification:

The approved engineering drawings and specifications are used to identify the materials and equipment needed for the project.

Supplier Selection:

Suppliers are selected based on their ability to provide high-quality materials, timely delivery, and competitive pricing. Requests for quotations (RFQs) or proposals (RFPs) may be issued to potential suppliers.

Vendor Evaluation:

Supplier capabilities, past performance, and reputation are evaluated to ensure they meet the project’s requirements.

Contract Negotiation:

Contracts or purchase orders are negotiated with selected suppliers, outlining terms and conditions, delivery schedules, and pricing.

Order Placement:

Once all contracts are assessed, selected and finalised, purchase orders are issued to the selected suppliers.

Monitoring & Control:

Throughout the manufacturing phase, procurement activities are closely monitored to ensure the timely delivery and quality of materials and equipment.

Production Planning:

Production planning is the process of creating a detailed roadmap for the manufacturing phase. It involves the following key steps:

Resource Assessment:

Production planners assess the available resources, such as machinery, labour, and production capacity, to determine the project’s feasibility and timeline.


A detailed production schedule is created, outlining the order of operations, tasks, and deadlines to ensure a smooth flow of manufacturing activities.

Quality Assurance:

Production planning includes quality control measures to maintain high standards during the manufacturing process.

Risk Management:

Contingency plans are developed to address potential issues or delays that may arise during production.


Close collaboration between different teams and departments is essential to ensure a seamless transition from design to manufacturing.

Manufacturing quality control

By integrating the drawing approval, procurement, and production planning processes, manufacturing projects can move from concept to fabrication with greater efficiency and precision. This integrated approach ensures that the final products or structures meet the desired manufacturing specifications, adhere to industry standards, and are delivered on time and within budget, all while minimising risk and promoting a successful and smooth project execution.