Binder to Anchorage part numbers

Comparison chart to help match Binder to Anchorage pipe supports.

Pipe Size converter

This conversion table is to help you quickly identify pipe sizes within the different terminologies used in pipe sizing.

Pipe types &
standard sizes

Different pipe types and their pipe sizes used in each one. 

Unit Converter calculator

This tool will help you convert different units between energy, angle, area, conductivity, density, mass, volume & much more.

Calculating thermal expansion in Piping

 Quick methods for checking piping flexibility for designers to use in planning their layouts

Pipe Support Span

Coming Soon!

This calculator will help estimate how many pipe supports are needed per pipeline section.

* Calculators and other tools in this website are intended for information purposes only. Any reliance placed on the content of the website is to be made at your own risk. 
We do not take liability for any loss or damage arising out of, or in connection with the use of any tools available on this website.